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Sorkuntza: 14/05/2010 12:55
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: Cell phone spyware software - 14/05/2010 12:59

Bluetooth Spy cell  software sale price only 3.99 U.S. dollars, can be cell phone spyware device used to view cell phone pictures, information and documents, eavesdropping on phone conversations, and even can use it to tap phone calls.November 11, according to foreign reports, think of your wife will cheat you? Want to know who your boss is talking with you? To understand the real situation it today to spy. This is a "Bluetooth Spy cell phone software and advertisements. Currently,  Web site a list of products in more than 200 mobile spy software products.Bluetooth Spy Pro software sale price only 3.99 U.S. dollars, can be used to view cell phone pictures, information and documents, eavesdropping on phone conversations, and even can use it to tap phone free cell phone spy software calls.Security experts have expressed concern. Although these products are not illegal, but without permission to install this software to spy on others is certainly llegal.Advertising of these products is the publicity of this legal activity. Bluetooth Spy ad says, you can easily find your partner, business partners and friends who have been in contact with. Whether you have doubts about one thing or do you just want to get your career progress of helpful information, use your cell phone will be able to fully do so. Your investigation will not have any doubt.Another ad says spyware, you will be able to know your friends and wife / husband who has been talking with. You can read the information, even their cell phone spy software spyware information can be downloaded to your mobile phone or laptop, view their information and photos.Security firm F-Secure's Mikko Hypponen, chief technology officer, said sales of such mobile spy software has been for many years, mainly phone spy  and Neo-Call and other companies sell. However, this software is expensive, mainly for monitoring business equipment and other legitimate applications. However,cell phone listening package this software can also be used for malicious purposes, such as industrial espionage and espionage. He said that, eBay should not be selling the software.